Chair of the Board of Trustees

Hannah Rennie & Shepherd Manyika, Which Way Is Up? (workshop at Highsted Grammar School), 2024. Photo: Sam Wainwright

Chair of the Board of Trustees

Cement Fields is looking to recruit a new Chair of the Board of Trustees to lead the organisation, for an initial term of three years.

This is an exciting time for Cement Fields as we continue to transition away from a biennale model to work more deeply and exploratively, responding to local needs and contexts across North Kent. As we develop our organisational culture and ways of working, we are borrowing ideas from permaculture, creating a different sort of relationship with our communities and artists; a non-extractive, generous cultural ecology rooted in trust, mutual care and support, that truly embraces the spirit of experimentation.

We are seeking a new Chair to work with our existing board and staff to lead this work, supporting us to deliver our transformative artistic programme along the Thames Estuary.

The role of our Trustees is to provide governance to the organisation, ensuring that we achieve our ambitions and vision, and undertake best practice in all areas of our business activities. This includes a move to embed the same slow, regenerative approaches of our curatorial practice within our organisational culture.

The Chair provides strategic leadership to Cement Fields’ Trustees, ensuring that it governs the charity effectively, and delivers our identified vision and mission. Our Director reports directly to them and the Chair oversees the governance and financial management of the company, ensuring good practice in fulfilling its charitable aims and financial sustainability.

Deadline for expression of interest: 9am Monday 9 September 2024

For more information and to apply, download the full recruitment pack →

The recruitment pack is also available in large print, and as an audio version below.