Foundations: Open Call

Foundations: Open Call

Foundations is a 9-month mentorship programme providing UK-based early-career visual artists with bespoke development support.

Through regular meetings, the programme offers practical advice and support to help artists address specific challenges they are facing in their practice. It is designed specifically for artists who are currently underrepresented across the contemporary visual art sector and/or face barriers to accessing opportunities and developing their career.

Cement Fields sees North Kent as a place for exploration and through our work we welcome artists to use its unique contexts to explore bold questions and new ideas. We have a long history of supporting early-career artists through our artistic programme and are committed to creating generous and supportive environments where artists can be ambitious and take risks.

Recognising the precarious nature of sustaining an artistic practice in the current climate, Foundations is intended as a space for artists to receive bespoke support that addresses their specific needs, build new relationships and networks to support their ongoing work, and progress with their creative practice.

Foundations is delivered in partnership with Open School East’s Alumni Springboard Programme, with one place reserved for an alumni of the OSE Associates Programme.

Deadline for applications: 9am, Monday 9 September 2024

For more information and to apply, download the full application pack →

If you have any questions about the programme, please join one of our Q&A sessions or contact us at:

The application pack is also available in large print, and as an audio below.