Young People

Cement Fields Schools Collective

Gen Z, trip to OOOMK!, 2019. Photo: Paige Lyons and Sophie Chapman

Cement Fields Schools Collective is Cement Fields’ new schools programme which supports schools, teachers, and young people in Gravesham and Dartford to participate in free, bespoke projects, designed to complement teaching and learning.

The programme introduces new, playful and creative opportunities which will build confidence, encourage students to articulate their own ideas and to share in the knowledge and culture of the local area. Cement Fields Schools Collective will provide schools with a high quality experience of the best, new contemporary art.

With support from ROH Bridge, we will create a pilot programme for five schools in North Kent, and deepen our relationships with schools in Dartford and Gravesham. We hope to form lasting connections which will intersect with our future programme and provide a meaningful legacy to children and young people of North Kent. 

The programme will be a blended digital and in person offer for schools and their pupils including whole school projects that explore local histories; special tours of artworks hosted by young people, and artist-supported sessions and creative workshops, exploring and expanding on our current programmes, and connecting artists with local schools and young people. 

Cement Fields Schools Collective is kindly supported by Royal Opera House Bridge.

If you are interested in hearing more please contact us at