Programme Commissions



Webb-Ellis, Markers, 2021. Courtesy of the artists.

In the spirit of mail art, Webb-Ellis exchanged handwritten letters with posthuman philosopher Francesca Ferrando, artist Jade Montserrat, writer Péjú Oshin, and biologist Rupert Sheldrake, around the themes of language, the body, our present moment and possible futures – from a posthuman and deep time perspective.

The artists also collaborated with philosopher Grace Lockrobin, who led a group of 9-12 year olds to inquire into questions of geological nuclear waste disposal and how humans might communicate its presence to future beings up to 100,000 years into the future. 

The letters, drawings, transcripts and paintings from these exchanges are collected together in Markers, a printed publication designed by Rose Nordin.

Markers was published as part of Estuary 2021.