Programme Practice

Anna-Maria Nabirye, nnull, Sarah Craske

Jerwood WB Artist Attachments

nnull, Untitled, 2020. Image courtesy of the artist.

Sarah Craske, Healing Earth, 2019. Image courtesy of the artist.

Anna-Maria Nabirye with Noor Afshan Mirza and Brad Butler, Hold Your Ground, 2012. Commissioned by Film Video Umbrella. Image courtesy of the artist.

We are delighted to announce Sarah Craske, Anna-Maria Nabirye and nnull as the recipients of the Jerwood WB Artist Attachments.

With support from Jerwood Arts, it has been possible for Cement Fields to offer three artist development opportunities, which will provide valuable paid time and support to three early-career artists over the next year, starting in September 2020.

Each artist will receive £8,000 alongside a personalised development programme that includes mentoring and peer support. The artists will also have the opportunity to showcase their work at the next Whitstable Biennale.

Coming at a time of deep uncertainty for artists and the arts more widely, it is vital that we continue to create space for artists to explore new ideas and take risks at critical moments in their practice and career.

We are grateful to work with such exceptional artists in partnership with Jerwood Arts and look forward to supporting their development over the next year. 

Jerwood WB Artist Attachments are kindly supported by Jerwood Arts.